Thursday, March 3, 2016

CAcademy Conditionals & Control Flow


Write an if statement inthe_flying_circus(). It must include:
  1. ifelif, and elsestatements;
  2. At least one of andor, ornot;
  3. A comparator (==!=<,<=>, or >=);
  4. Finally, the_flying_circus()must return True when evaluated.
Don't forget to include a : after your if statements!

The Big If
Really great work! Here's what you've learned in this unit:
3 < 4
5 >= 5
10 == 10
12 != 13
Boolean operators
True or False 
(3 < 4) and (5 >= 5)
this() and not that()
Conditional statements
if this_might_be_true():
    print "This really is true."
elif that_might_be_true():
    print "That is true."
    print "None of the above."

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